1972 Flood Stories
Recollections on the 40th Anniversary
Since 2009, the ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes has invited community members to share their stories of the 1972 Flood of the Chemung Valley. More than 100 stories were collected. The first episode of "Tales from Agnes" is below. Click the link to hear the stories. Keep checking here for more episodes to come.
Tales from Agnes: Podcast Episode 1: Premonitions and Propaganda
Tales from Agnes: Podcast Episode 2: Danger and Devastation
Tales from Agnes: Podcast Episode 3: Strandedness and Salvation
Tales from Agnes: Podcast Episode 4: Anecdotes from Agnes
Tales from Agnes: Podcast Episode 5: Ruin and Renewal
Also, please join us
Tuesday June 12 at 6:30 p.m. for a book talk with Kirk W. House about his book, "The 1972 Flood in New York's Southern Tier."
 Tales From Agnes: 1972 Flooding in the Chemung Valley by Trevor Worthey, Constance Sullivan Blum; The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.